Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Covered Litter Box: A place for pets to poop privately

Do you find it easy to defecate in plain view of others?

Neither do cats.

I have for you one (1) covered cat litter box.

Yes, it IS very exciting. But please, curb your enthusiasm.

To be perfectly honest, I don't know who previously owned this litter box. But one thing is clear: they did not like cats.

This thing has probably never been cleaned. It has some kind of putrid material caked onto its bottom. Cat poo and pee, I'd imagine.

The cat who used this litter box was a sad, sad cat. He probably probably went on to become a cat Unabomber or something. Or a serial killer, like a kitty version of Dexter. But without the code.

I will henceforth refer to the cat as Dexter.

In the time since the Dexter last used it, it appears that a family of cockroaches has come and gone. Or maybe they lived in harmony with little Dex. Maybe they were his only friends. Anyway, they're still in there, and it doesn't look like they'll be surviving any atomic bomb blasts anytime soon.

I wouldn't lift it by its handle unless you want to dump a load of cat crap on your foot. One of the tabs that holds the top to the bottom has been snapped off. If I had to speculate, I would say it was broken off by Dexter's owner in a fit of rage. He was probably jealous because Dexter had an awesome poop pod while he was stuck with a toilet whose handle you had to jiggle.

This litter box is just about the foulest hunk of plastic I've ever laid my eyes on. Well, second to Tara Reid's left tit. Ugh!

Okay, I really do want to get rid of it, so I'll say some nice things about it. In addition to providing your cat some privacy while she does her business, I've heard that covered litter boxes do a pretty good job of containing the stench of a fresh turd. In fact, there is a spot on top where you can insert a scent filter that converts cat farts into flowery-scented goodness. The filter currently in there looks like one of those Bounce anti-static sheets that you throw in the dryer. I don't know who sells replacement cat fart filters, but in a jam you could easily use a Bounce sheet.

As for the cockroaches, they come with the litter box - free of charge! I'm sorry, but if there's ONE thing my mother taught me, it's to never clean out cockroaches from a grimy litter box for free. However, if you request it, I will use a high pressure hose nozzle to blast out the bottom section. But that'll cost you $5, American. For $10, I will spend no longer than 15 minutes cleaning it out with a sponge and Simple Green.

This amazing offer is available at [my address].


  1. This seemed to be exactly what I was looking for...until I read the description. First I was disappointed. Then I was laughing out loud. I feel very sorry for the cat who previously used this, and very angry at his/her owner. Thanks for the hilarious but useless post!
